About EDA
The Enterprise Data Analytics (EDA) team works to establish an enterprise-wide scalable data analytics capability that enables both analysts and their leaders to anticipate and solve problems, optimize resourcing decisions, and deliver enhanced readiness. It further coordinates and synchronizes Army Business Mission Area (BMA) strategic leader priority analytics projects and accelerates solutions in order to deliver optimized solutions to analytical challenges. EDA additionally works towards integration of the analytics federation by creating cross-functional analytics project teams matrixed from across the Army Analytics Federation to execute cross-domain coordination and synchronization for enterprise analytics objectives, requirements, resources and activities.
EDA also serves to create an enduring cultural shift to a point where Army Leaders understand and leverage data analytics as a key enabler of the Information Age Army. In addition, EDA contributes to shaping and developing the analytics workforce through the spirit of competition, leveraging the Deep Green professional development challenge and competition to that end.