Army Belt Certification

HQDA is responsible for setting Army standards for certification of Green Belts, Black Belts, and Master Black Belts.  Certification standards are required to ensure uniformity and consistency of CPI practices across the Army.  As noted in Section 3, once belt candidates receive their training, Army Business Process Improvement Capability Managers, process owners, project sponsors and mentors must provide the required resources and encouragement to ensure project completion and subsequent certification.  This section will clarify certification standards and procedures, for current belt programs of instruction.


Process to Apply for Certification as an Army CPI Belt

Upon completing all requirements for the specified belt level, each candidate is responsible for initiating the request for certification.  Candidates will initiate the process with a formal request (DA Form 4187 for military personnel or DA Memorandum for civilian personnel) through their respective chain of command, Project Sponsor and Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager.  See the “Certification Process Flow” document in Training and CPI Guidebook Documents Portal on milSuite.  Upon approval of the candidate’s request, the Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager will forward the request to the Command’s certifier.  The Command’s certifier is the ABPICM, designated via MOU between the organizations GO/SES/ABPICM.

Organizations without a current MOU in effect do not have the authority to self-certify.  Since ABPIO retains responsibility for certification, those organizations without an MOU must send their documentation and recommendation to the certification inbox for ABPIO decision. 

The OBT Certification inbox is USARMY Pentagon HQDA OSA – OBT Mailbox LSS Certification

Note:  The exception to this is all projects associated with a MBB certification.  The ABPIO will continue to review and certify BB projects that are either coached, or completed by, MBB candidates for MBB certification.  The method of transmittance for projects associated with MBBc certification is via email to the USARMY Pentagon HQDA OSA – OBT Mailbox CPI Certification mailbox. 

The Command’s certifier will review each project against the certification criteria to make sure Army standards are being met. This review will verify that Army training is documented in ATRRS and required deliverables and supporting documentation are captured in Army PowerSteering, the Army’s database of record for CPI projects.

Requests that do not contain the required deliverables and supporting documentation, or that fail to meet the specified certification criteria, will be returned to the originating organization for corrective action.  See the “CPI Certification Deliverable Checklist” document on the Army Business Process Improvement Deployment and Sustainment Guidebook located in milSuite within the Training and CPI Guidebook Documents Portal, for a list of required deliverables and supporting documentation.  The Command’s certifier may contact the candidate, mentor, deployment advisor, or other POC to assist in expediting the corrective action.

Once belt candidates have been approved for certification, certificates are forwarded to the individual through the organization’s Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager.  For military officer and warrant officer certified belts, the Command’s certifier will forward the approved DA Form 4187, with appropriate Skill Identifier, to the belt via scanned, encrypted document.  It is then the responsibility of the belt to forward the DA Form 4187 to the appropriate Human Resources Command (HRC) representative.  For enlisted certified belts, personnel records are updated through ATRRS to Total Army Personnel Database (TAPDB).  Green Belts receive a “1X” skill identifier, Black Belts receive a “1Y” skill identifier and Master Black Belts receive a “1Z” skill identifier. 


Green Belt Certification


To become certified as an Army CPI GB, a candidate must:

  • Complete the Army approved CPI GB program of instruction or provide proof of completion of formal CPI GB training from another accepted source.*
  • Pass the Army CPI GB exam with a minimum score of 70%.
  • Complete a minimum of one CPI GB level DMAIC or A3 project; or lead three CPI Rapid Improvement Events; or lead five sub-tasks of a CPI MBB/BB level DMAIC project (one sub-task per DMAIC phase) and demonstrate active participation in the MBB/BB level project.
  • The DMAIC or A3 project must have completed tollgate templates entered into Army PowerSteering and proper Tollgate approvals.
  • RIEs must have completed RIE Project Templates entered into Army PowerSteering and proper approvals.
  • When a GB seeks certification through a BB project, the BB project must be of sufficient scope to justify the use of an additional belt to support the project.  Projects should:
    1. provide the GB candidate an opportunity to ‘carve out’ a small work stream to take through the DMAIC process in support of the project and the sub-tasks should demonstrate appropriate mastery of the methodology.
    2. support no more than two GB candidates, per MBB/BB project, when seeking GB certification.
    3. offer opportunities to lead sub-tasks in MBB/BB projects which requires GB candidates to upload the document or tool completed in Army PowerSteering, under the appropriate phase with their name as the author.
    4. demonstrate GB candidates tool knowledge and appropriate use in each of the five phases of the methodology. 
  • All projects used to meet certification requirements must have financial or operational data entered into Army PowerSteering, as prescribed in Financial Benefits and Operational Benefits Guidance documents.  These documents are available in the Training and CPI Guidebook Documents portal on milSuite and also in the “Important Links” section of the Army PowerSteering homepage.

What to Submit
The forms and memos listed below need to be included in the certification package:

  • Military  
    • DA Form 4187  (enter “CPI Certification and Skill Identifier” in the “other” section of Block 8 and request “Skill Identifier 1X” in Section IV) 
  • Civilian
    • DA Memorandum​
  • Ensure DA Form 4187 / DA Memorandum addresses:
    1. The full social security number (SSN) on the DA Form 4187 and the last four of the SSN on the DA Memorandum to record course certification in ATRRS
    2. Level, source, date of completion of formal CPI GB training and Army CPI course number 
    3. Date of passing score for GB final examination
    4. Completed project title and Army PowerSteering sequence number
    5. Name of Resource Manager and date of financial benefits validation.  If there are no financial benefits, the Resource Manager must provide his/her concurrence
    6. Name of BB/MBB coach and date of operational benefits validation for projects with no financial benefits
    7. If both financial and operational benefits are involved, both the RM and the BB/MBB should be listed with the respective validation dates.
Note:  Examples of the forms and memos can be found on the Army Business Process Improvement Deployment and Sustainment Guidebook Page in milSuite.


Black Belt Certification Criteria

To become certified as an Army CPI BB, the candidate must:

  • Complete the Army approved CPI BB program of instruction or provide proof of completion of formal CPI BB training from another accepted source (click here for list)*
  • Pass Army CPI BB exam with a minimum score of 70%
  • Complete a minimum of one CPI BB level DMAIC project; or lead five sub-tasks of a CPI Enterprise Level (EL) MBB DMAIC project (one sub-task per DMAIC phase) and demonstrate active participation in the Enterprise Level (EL) MBB level project
    • DMAIC projects must have completed tollgate templates entered into Army PowerSteering
    • When a BB seeks certification through an EL MBB project, the EL MBB project must be of sufficient scope to justify the use of an additional belt to support the project:
  1. The project should provide the BB candidate an opportunity to ‘carve out’ a sufficient work stream to go through the entire DMAIC process in support of the project; the sub-tasks should demonstrate appropriate mastery of the methodology and applicable lean six sigma tools
  2. No more than two BB candidates can support a single MBB project when seeking BB certification
  3. Leading sub-tasks in MBB projects requires BB candidates to upload, in Army PowerSteering under the appropriate phase, the document or tool completed with their name as the author
  4. It is expected that the BB candidate will demonstrate tool knowledge and appropriate usage in each of the five phases of the methodology and actively participate/help the MBB with their project
  • All projects used to meet certification requirements must have financial or operational data entered in Army PowerSteering, as prescribed in the Financial and Operational Benefits documents.  These documents are available in the Deployment Documents section of the CPI Training portal on milSuite and also in the “Important Links” section of the Army PowerSteering homepage.

What to Submit

The forms and memos listed below should be included in the certification request package (Examples of these forms and memos can be fount in the "Samples Certifications Forms" within the Training and CPI Guidebook Documents Portal on the LSS milSuite webpage:
  • Military  
    • DA Form 4187  (enter “CPI Certification and Skill Identifier” in the “other” section of Block 8 and request “Skill Identifier 1X” in Section IV) 
  • Civilian
    • DA Memorandum
  • Ensure the DA Form 4187 / DA Memorandum addresses:
    1. The full social security number (SSN) on the DA Form 4187 and the last four of the SSN on the DA Memorandum to record course certification in ATRRS.
    2. Level, source, date of completion of formal CPI BB training and Army CPI course number.
    3. Date of passing score for BB final examination.
    4. Completed project title and sequence number loaded in Army PowerSteering.
    5. Name of RM and date of financial benefits validation.  If there are no financial benefits, the Resource Manager must provide his/her concurrence.
    6. Name of the MBB coach and date of operational benefits validation for projects without financial benefits.
    7. If both financial and operational benefits are involved, both the RM and the MBB coach should be listed with the respective validation dates.

Master Black Belt Certification Criteria

Candidates can receive certification as an Army Master Black Belt.  Army MBB candidates cannot receive dual credit for projects, each practitioner will require a different project, appropriately annotated in Army PowerSteering.  For MBB, the projects must be Enterprise MBB level projects (see section 3.3.5 for the definition of an enterprise level project), appropriately annotated in PowerSteering. The ABPIO reviews and certifies MBBs.  The ABPIO will also continue to review and certify BB projects that are either coached, or completed by, MBB candidates for MBB certification.


To become certified as an Army CPI MBB, the candidate must:

  • Complete the Army approved CPI MBB program of instruction or provide proof of completion of formal CPI MBB training from another accepted source (click here for list)*
  • Pass Army CPI MBB exam with a minimum score of 70%
  • Complete a minimum of two CPI BB level DMAIC projects (DMAIC projects must have completed tollgate templates entered into Army PowerSteering)
    • When a MBB seeks certification through an EL MBB project, the EL MBB project must be of sufficient scope to justify the use of an additional belt to support the project
  • Coach two BB DMAIC projects to completion
  • Teach two BB classes complete ( (as instructor I and Instructor II)**
    • Each Army MBBc must co-teach at least half of the modules in each week of the Black Belt course until all the modules have been taught.  The weeks must be taught consecutively, with the modules taught in accordance with the Teaching Timing Template on the “MBBc Instructor Resources” and “CPI Instructor Home” pages on milSuite.  This necessitates eight weeks of co-teaching and is done this way to enable the Army MBBc sufficient time to master the material each week in order to present a quality product.  For planning purposes, the MBBc should plan three hours of preparation for every hour of instruction.
  • Conduct one organizational Project Identification and Selection Workshop (PISW) 
    • The PISW must result in at least one active project in PowerSteering)
  • All projects used to meet certification requirements must have financial or operational data entered in Army PowerSteering, as prescribed in the Financial and Operational Benefits documents.  These documents are available in the Deployment Documents section of the CPI Training portal on milSuite and also in the “Important Links” section of the Army PowerSteering homepage.

The Army MBBc Co-Teaching Policy and the Co-Teaching Schedule can be found under “Training Policies” within the Training and CPI Guidebook Documents Portal on milSuite. 

Co-Teaching Prerequisites

Prior to being scheduled to co-teach the CPI Black Belt POI, the Army MBBc must:

  • Be a certified U.S. Army CPI Black Belt.
  • Pass the U.S. Army CPI Master Black Belt examination.
  • Develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP) with the assistance of a mentor.
  • Practice co-teaching with their mentor and obtain a positive recommendation from that mentor indicating readiness to begin co-teaching.
Note: Once the MBBc is assigned to co-teach a week of instruction, the MBBc must coordinate and discuss with the lead instructor the modules he/she will teach, the classroom logistics and how the lead instructor and co-instructor will facilitate the class. 

Master Black Belt Candidate (MBBc) Project Identification and Selection Workshop (PISW) Evaluation


Each MBBc is required to facilitate a Project Identification and Selection Workshop (PISW) for their Command resulting in the identification, selection and prioritization of high-value CPI projects.  A certified MBB is required to provide mentoring to the MBB candidates as they oversee the planning and execution of the PISW, similar to the BB co-teaching process.  The output of the PISW is a list of prioritized projects with charters entered into Army PowerSteering.

The following documentation is required for the PISW completion requirement.  A PISW Completion Form (found in the Training and CPI Guidebook Documents Portal on milSuite) must be filled out by each MBBc and signed by the certified MBB who supervised the workshop, similar to the BB co-teaching requirement:

  • Organization
  • Date(s) of PISW
  • Signature of candidate and certified MBB coach
  • Project LDs entered into Army PowerSteering

What to Submit

To apply for certification as an Army MBB, the following forms and memos should be included in the certification request package:

  • DA Form 4187 for military personnel
  • DA Memorandum for civilian personnel
  • Ensure the DA Form 4187/DA Memorandum addresses:
    1. The full social security number (SSN), encrypted, for the DA Form 4187 and the last four of the SSN for the DA Memorandum to record course certification in ATRRS.
    2. Level, source, date of completion of formal CPI MBB training, and Army CPI course number.
    3. Date of passing score for MBB final examination.
    4. Completed project titles and sequence numbers of all three DMAIC projects (second BB and two mentored projects after passing the MBB test) loaded in Army PowerSteering.
    5. Confirmation that documentation is complete in Army PowerSteering for each of the four projects, to include validation of operational benefits by a MBB and validation of financial benefits by a Resource Manager.
    6. Completed Project Identification and Selection Workshop Completion form should be emailed to the USARMY Pentagon HQDA OSA – OBT Mailbox CPI Certification mailbox.
Note:  Examples of the forms and memos that need to be submitted for certification can be found in the Training and CPI Guidebook Documents Portal on milSuite.


*Traditional and Non-traditional Pathways to LSS GB and BB Certification

There may be circumstances when Army personnel have completed formal Green Belt or Black Belt training from sources other than the Army’s CPI program of instruction.  In order to ensure consistent training and certification standards, course completion credit will not be granted for CPI training completed outside the Army program of instruction after 1 October 2007 if paid for by Army funding.  Course completion credit is possible for outside formal training if funded by sources other than the Army.  It is the Army's intent that Army funds only be used to train personnel via the Army approved CPI curriculum.

Additionally, to better align the Army’s CPI program with industry standards, ABPIO has segmented and further defined the term “grandfathering.”  Grandfathering, formerly an ambiguous term used to describe the justification process for the Army’s acceptance of external candidates’ external training and certification accomplishments. Moving forward the Army will segment Grandfathering into two terms fully defined below:
Training equivalence (formerly known as Constructive Credit) means that ABPIO agrees with the nominator that the applicant has passed an outside POI with at least 80% overlap with the Army CPI POI. This qualifies the applicant to take the appropriate level – proctored Army exam.
Note:  Rarely, the exam will be waived if ABPIO agrees with the nominator that the exam for passing certain programs is sufficient to prevent an unnecessary retest.
Certification Equivalence (formerly known as grandfathering) means that ABPIO agrees with the nominator that the applicant has sufficient training and experience to warrant certification. An Individual Development Plan may be created to close any experience gaps (projects, instruction, mentoring, facilitation, etc.)
Note: Rarely, the requirement for a project in PowerSteering can be waived if ABPIO agrees with the nominator that the applicant is already performing at the required level of proficiency.

Requesting Army Certification of Non-Army Certified Master Black Belts

One of the key elements for the Army’s CPI deployment is to build Master Black Belt capabilities that can routinely complete enterprise-wide projects that produce transformational results.  Achieving this aspect of the vision requires a highly skilled, trained and motivated cadre of MBBs who can perform the entire suite of MBB tasks.  The preferred method to obtain Army MBB certification is to fulfill all Army belt requirements.  However, Army Business Process Improvement Capability Managers can also request training equivalence for coursework and certification already achieved from non-Army sources.  This guidance outlines how these MBBs should apply for Army certification.

Note:  This policy applies only to military personnel and government civilians who are certified MBBs.  Support contractors cannot be certified as Army MBBs through this policy.

Policy on Training Equivalence

The Army can consider a MBB for training equivalence towards Army certification if the Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager can demonstrate that the candidate’s external certification criteria encompass 80% or more of the requirements below.

Teaching the Army BB POI cannot be waivered as part of the 80% of requirements. 

The Army’s certification requirements include the following elements:
  1. Completion of a formal Black Belt program of instruction that includes both Lean and Six Sigma curricula (or completion of separate Lean and Six Sigma programs). 
  2. Passing the Army CPI Black Belt examination with a minimum score of 70%. 
  3. Leading two Black Belt DMAIC projects from Define through successful Control tollgates.  At least one of these projects must be an Army project. (See note below reference required documentation). 
  4. Coaching at least two Black Belt DMAIC Projects through a successful Control tollgate.  These may be Army or non-Army projects (see note below reference required documentation).
Note:   If the completed and mentored projects have been entered into Army PowerSteering, then the sequence numbers (i.e., LDXXXXX) should be included.  If a project was completed outside the Army and is not posted in Army PowerSteering, it must be documented.  Documentation formats, including commercially based products, are acceptable if they demonstrate project completion and the appropriate use of CPI tools and methodology.  The “burden of proof;” however, is upon the Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager and the candidate.
  1. Completing a nationally recognized Master Black Belt certification program that includes both Lean and Six Sigma curriculum.  It is expected this curricula encompasses 90% of the Army MBB terminal learning objectives (TLOs) and topics or content. 
  2. Passing the Army CPI MBB exam with a minimum score of 70%. 
  3. Lead a Project Sponsor Workshop, Project Identification and Selection Workshop, or similar workshop. 
  4. For MBB, all of the above, plus having successfully taught the Army BB POI and:
  • Leading two Enterprise-level MBB DMAIC projects from Define through successful Control tollgates.  At least one of these projects is required to be an Army project.
ABPIO may recommend an individual remediation plan (IRP) be developed to close any remaining capability gaps between the achieved certification standards and the Army requirements.  Once MBB candidates complete this remediation plan, they will be required to pass the Army MBB exam with a minimum score of 70%, with no more than one re-test.

In the absence of completing the Army MBB certification program or equivalency requirements, the policy remains in effect that an externally certified MBB can perform the full suite of MBB tasks within his/her organization except that they cannot teach any of the Army CPI POIs, or act as a certification authority for organization participating in the self-certification program.  Only Army certified Master Black Belts can be lead instructors for Army programs of instruction and certify projects for belt certification.  However:
  • The OSA – OBT,  ABPIO may authorize approved MBB contractors to be lead instructors, or instructors, for Army programs of instruction.
  • The OSA – OBT, ABPIO may authorize approved MBB contractors to review projects for certification.  

Process to Apply for Training Equivalence

An Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager can request Army certification of a MBB who has been certified by a source other than the Army by submitting a packet to the OSA – OBT, ABPIO.  The Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager must electronically send an endorsement and certification packet to the USARMY Pentagon HQDA OSA – OBT Mailbox CPI Certification.  The packet should explicitly map the candidate’s current qualifications and experiences against the requirements outlined above.

The cover memo to the packet will include the following information:
Name (Last, First, MI)
Full SSN to record certification in ATRRS
Phone number
Status (Civilian/Military)
BB certifying body
BB test date and confirmation of passing score
BB certification date (MM/DD/YYYY)
BB curriculum course dates (MM/DD/YYYY-MM/DD/YYYY)
  • BB course curriculum (detail of modules covered)
MBB certifying body
MBB certification date (MM/DD/YYYY)
MBB curriculum course dates (MM/DD/YYYY – MM/DD/YYYY)
  • MBB course curriculum (detail of modules covered)
Exam required for MBB certification? (Y/N)
MBB test date and confirmation of passing score
Confirmation that at least two CPI BB projects have been completed
  • One is required to be an Army project loaded into Army PowerSteering with all the DMAIC tollgate detailed
  • One can be outside of the Army.  However, for these projects, copies of the DMAIC tollgate should be submitted to the CPI Program Office.
# of CPI BB projects completed as BB
# of CPI BB projects mentored as MBB
# of Kaizens/RIEs conducted (optional submission – may be used as additional demonstration of CPI expertise)
  • Project titles
  • Dates
  • Brief details of tools used and results
  • Sponsors
Other relevant comments
For MBB, in addition to the above, confirmation that the Army BB curriculum has been taught
  • Army BB course numbers
  • # of CPI MBB Enterprise level DMAIC projects completed

Note:  At least one of the projects must be an Army project.  Providing additional detail, in regards to prior experience, will allow the MBB Equivalency Board to develop an individual development program.

The OSA – OBT, ABPIO will convene a board to consider requests for Army MBB certification.  The board may include:

  • MBB from the ABPIO
  • Director from  ABPIO Training Division
  • Army certified MBB from the requesting organization
  • Army certified MBB from another organization that is similar in size and mission. 

The board will review the request packet and a majority of members must agree that the external certification process was rigorous enough to meet the 80% threshold identified above.  The board may also require additional information and may interview the candidate to clarify any issues.

If the board validates that the candidate’s prior training and experiences meet the 80% threshold, the members will develop an Individual Development Package (IDP) that will close any capability “gaps” between the external standards for certification and the Army standards.  The board may require the MBB candidate, as part of the IDP, to audit and/or teach specific weeks of training within one or more of the five Army CPI courses in order to ensure adequate understanding of the specific nature of the Army’s CPI deployment.

The requesting organization’s Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager is accountable for mentoring the candidate through completion of the IDP and maintaining completion documentation.  Once the candidate completes the IDP and the Army Business Process Improvement Capability Manager provides documentation to the OSA – OBT, ABPIO, the candidate will be scheduled to take the Army MBB exam.

Even if there are no individual capability “gaps” and an IDP is not required, a MBB candidate must take and pass the Army MBB examination to be certified under this provision.  A score of 70% is required, with no more than one retake.  Once the required test score is achieved, the individual will be awarded a probationary MBB certification.

This policy provides the means to leverage government personnel who have been externally certified as MBBs to support the CPI deployment until the Army has developed a self-sustaining capability.  This policy also ensures that the highest standards for certifying MBBs who can provide the full suite of required capabilities across the Army are maintained.   Maintaining these standards will ensure the development of the capability to perform enterprise-wide projects that achieve transformational effects.