The Army has the workforce capability and capacity to quickly and effectively address current and emerging business needs; it promotes an organizational culture characterized by high performance, engagement, and valuing of diversity and inclusion.

Talent Management

Acquire, develop, employ, and retain the uniformed and civilian talent needed to achieve Total Army readiness.

Software Factory

Build product teams of software developers, product managers and User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) designers adept at solving problems for Army organizations with a focus on Soldier-centered design while partnering closely with modern tech companies through a 36-month immersive experience that includes training and concentrates on operational Agile DevSecOps methodologies, coding, and other tools required to rapidly build tailored, scalable software solutions.

The Race for Talent

Identify, acquire, and develop the Army’s data workforce through understanding both current and emerging competency requirements, providing commands the tools to assess capabilities and requirements, creating policy and strategic direction to close the gap between current inventory and requirements, and incentivizing innovation across the data landscape.

The Army Assessment Program

Expand the Army’s understanding of officers’ talents and assess their strategic potential and readiness for command through a series of cognitive, non-cognitive, and physical assessments in addition to a panel interview with senior Army officers.

Direct Commission

Enable leaders in professional fields to enter the Army at commissioned ranks up to colonel in all branches and career areas.

Personnel Management

Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of approaches to military personnel pay, assignments, separations, decorations and awards, and force management.

Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army (IPPS-A)

Modernize Army Human Resources (HR) management through the development and deployment of a system for managing talent and reducing IT and military pay costs and improve Soldiers’ lives through transparency and mobile capabilities.  Improve access and timeliness and provide auditability of personnel and pay information for the Total Army through the integration of more than 30 current systems; eliminate more than 300 interfaces; ensure secure, consistent processes and data; and meet required standards.

The Army Talent Alignment Process (ATAP)

Implement a decentralized, regulated, market-style hiring system that aligns officers with jobs based on preferences. Officer preferences are shaped by their unique knowledge, skills, and behaviors (KSBs).

Merit Based Promotions

Beginning in FY 2020 for majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels and starting with the FY20 Army Competitive Category O-4 promotion list, promote top performers based on their promotion board order of merit list with remaining officers promoted by seniority.

Diversity and Inclusion

Promote business operations improvement and innovation through a culture of inclusion that leverages the diverse backgrounds and characteristics, knowledge, skills, and creativity of the force.

Project Inclusion

Operationalize the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Annex of the Army People Strategy to acquire, develop, employ, and retain Army people, creating and maintaining an equitable and inclusive environment that values diversity. Establish and resource a governance structure to support Army DEI efforts and implement DEI training and education programs that meet the demands of the Total Force.


Army leaders and managers at all levels use data and information effectively to guide process management toward the achievement of key organizational results, anticipate and respond to rapid or unexpected organizational or external changes, and identify best practices to share across the enterprise.

Data Analytics

Advance the Army’s data analytics capability to a maturity level in which data is a driver of continuous improvement and innovation, information is regarded as a strategic asset, and analytical insights optimize business process performance.

Vantage and Big Data Platform

Enable the Army to see itself by providing senior leaders, Soldiers, and staff and analytic communities with a common, integrated data platform for visualizing and analyzing the current and predicted future state(s) of the Army.

Big Data Platform (Gabriel Nimbus)

Establish a software system for ingesting and storing large data sets, building data-science analytics, and visualizing the results that allows critical decisions surrounding cyber operations to be made based on a richer and broader set of information.

HQDA Analytics Lab (HAL)

Accelerate analytics solutions to business problems by facilitating strategic integration across analytics capability proponents and stakeholders.

Evolving Installations into Connected Platforms

Aggregate data across major installation operations (power projection, quality of life, infrastructure, safety/security, environmental, and transportation) to create a visualization of operations at the individual installation and the connected enterprise level to drive decisions based on data, lay a foundation for predictive analytics, and create an environment conducive for AI/ML.

Enterprise Installation Energy Bill Management & Data Analysis

Develop an Army enterprise database to pay utility bills and analyze bill metadata to enable resourcing and energy and water management tasks and identify bill errors and demand fluctuations to minimize waste related to utility costs.

Smart Installation Test & Demonstration Capability

Develop an Army test and demonstration program for smart city technologies to improve the performance of infrastructure and installation services using best practice, commercially available technologies.

Command Accountability and Execution Review

Empower commanders with tools to optimize units’ purchasing power and enhance the stewardship of fiscal resources through the use of big data analytics and senior leader forums.

Data Infrastructure

Establish and sustain the Army’s data infrastructure to enable the consistent and effective use of data analytics to enhance the efficiency and productivity of business operations, increase collaboration and interoperability, and reduce operational costs.

Cloud Migration

Move enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications and data into a common, consolidated cloud environment to improve cybersecurity and shift building and physical plant maintenance, network, storage, and computing infrastructure to the service provided allowing the Army to maximize the value of data.

Enterprise Business Systems Convergence (EBS-C)

Leverage commercial-off-the-shelf and best of breed solutions to modernize the back-bone business systems that enable readiness from headquarters to the tactical edge.


Portfolio Management/Business System Rationalization

Continue to rationalize the portfolio through active portfolio management with particular emphasis on eliminating system redundancies, reducing investment in legacy systems, reducing costs, and achieving accountability of systems while ensuring efficient support to business processes and effective integration across the Business Mission Area (BMA).

Enterprise IT Architecture

Incrementally establish, guide, develop, enhance, and sustain Enterprise Decision Analytics Framework (EDAF) and Enterprise Architecture (EA) best practices to promote interoperability and standardization. Establish the EDAF Operational Environment with a comprehensive Governance model and end-to-end visibility of mission and IT capabilities.

Enterprise Business Architecture

Continue the maturation of Army Business Enterprise Architecture as a visual knowledge base of Army BMA processes, systems, capabilities, information flows, and their interconnections to support business process reengineering, continuous process improvement, strategic planning, and portfolio management and to reduce cost and undesired redundancies within the BMA information technology portfolio. The BEA is fully integrated into the Enterprise IT Architecture.

Enterprise Systems Architecture

Transform systems architecture development that aligns mission engineering and operational threads in a digital engineering framework. Based on a Common Modular Open Architecture approach, enable a data rich decision environment as a federated component of the Army Enterprise Architecture.

Deep Green

Implement and sustain Deep Green as the Army’s annual data science challenge and competition, providing an enterprise-wide collaboration process designed to bring together cross-functional teams and executive sponsors using analytics to systematically address and solve the Army’s most pressing business challenges.

Data Management and Data Science Education and Training

Develop and execute training and education opportunities to improve Army data management, data analytics, and data science capabilities.


Integrate data and information governance into all aspects of Army business operations and processes to ensure that high data quality exists throughout the lifecycle of the data and that data controls supporting Army business objectives are implemented.

Data Plan

Execute the Army Data Plan to transform how the Army manages data to enable data-driven decisions across the enterprise and to manage and protect data as Army strategic assets enabled through a hybrid, multiple cloud ecosystem.

Data Governance

Establish a governance structure for Army data that addresses development and maturation of legal and policy authorities, and organizational guidance.


The Army designs, manages, improves, and innovates business operations and processes to control costs, improve performance, and support readiness and modernization strategic objectives.


Continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Army business processes for improved financial and operational performance and to control the overall costs of business operations.

Post-Production Software Support (PPSS)

Improve and expand the use of hardware property accountability processes and tools for software licenses on fielded weapons systems.

Army Fiscal Data Structure

Improve ASA(FM&C) leaders’ ability to report relevant information to external stakeholders and Army Senior Leaders’ ability to link resourcing decisions to performance outcomes through the development and assessment of alternatives to the current fiscal data structure used within the Army.

PEG Reviews/Deep Dives

Continue Deep Dives as a budgetary review strategy conducted by the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army to examine every service program and continue to reinvest funds from lower priorities toward Army top strategic efforts including readiness, lethality, and innovation.

Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (ReARMM)

Transform the Army into an MDO-capable force ready for competition, crisis, conflict, and change through integration and synchronization of the force to meet regional requirements, while providing predictability during training and modernization efforts.

Army Reform Initiative (ARI)

Advance and refine ARI as a systematic approach to the identification, adjudication, approval, and implementation of reform initiatives that support the intent of reform within the ABMP.

Military Personnel Program Review (M2PR) and Program Update Brief (PUB) Processes

Improve Army manpower programs for all three Army components through continued development, implementation, and improvement of the MP2R and the PUB to understand the scale of savings, personnel hours, and errors occurring within current state and associated cost savings, if applicable, available to reinvest in the M2PR and PUB processes.

Program Operating Memorandum (POM) Requirements to Validation Process

Improve the POM requirements submission-to-validation process through automation and link the data to the M2PR and PUB to reduce workload, improve data accuracy, and enable better decisions. Understand the scale of savings from personnel hours, errors occurring within current state and associated cost savings, if applicable, available to be reinvested in the POM process.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to Clear General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Unmatched Transactions (UMT)

Create and code a UMT RPA to gather auditable supporting documentation, clear UMTs for improved auditability, and discover solutions to systemic business problems.

Prioritization of Contractor Government Space Usage

Systematically free-up government space for government uses and drive significant contractor workforces into on-post Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) business parks to recoup rent/consideration using existing smart and IOT technology. Require contract officials to provide a business case analysis before contractually obligating the government to provide government space to a contractor and receive concurrence from the land holding command.

Food Service Modernization

Improve Soldier readiness through food service modernization that includes improved nutrition, food quality, and access to healthy meal options supported by contract reform and legislative change efforts aimed at increased buying power and contractor accountability.

Defense Health Agency (DHA) Transition

Develop and execute Military Health System (MHS) reforms to effect the transition of administration and management of military hospitals and clinics to DHA without disruption to services provided and ensuring the Army’s ability to execute the National Defense Strategy (NDS).

Facility Consolidation Investment Program (FCIP)

Establish a competitive pool of Defense-wide military construction appropriations to which all military departments would submit facility consolidation projects to reduce square footage and reduce facility costs but within existing installations.


Optimize the organizational structure of Army agencies and activities involved in delivering Title 10 functions for efficiency.

Chief Information Officer (CIO) Establishment

Achieve final operational capability establishing the CIO in the Army Secretariat.

Stationing for a Modernizing Army

Improve current Army stationing procedures and approaches to reduce facility investment requirements and increase the readiness and modernization value of stationing decisions.

Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG) Organizational Review

Identify and implement opportunities for improved operational and organizational efficiency efficiencies in the realignment of Army Corrections Command (ACC) from HQDA to United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC).


Transform Army approaches to the acquisition of goods and services to maximize the value of every dollar entrusted by Congress.

Acquisition Reform

Align and streamline requirements, acquisition, sustainment, and PPBE processes to turn concepts into capabilities on time and at the best value to taxpayers to enable our Soldiers to fight and win. Integrate and synchronize key activities within the Acquisition Life Cycle; fix accountability and streamline processes through a collaborative, integrated approach with clear supported and supporting roles to provide the Army with a materiel enterprise that delivers optimal value to the operational force.

Category Management (CM)

Implement Category Management as an enterprise approach to understanding how products and services are purchased, using related data to make better decisions around contract consolidation, price negotiations, and the state of the industrial base. Save the Army 5% year over year in goods and services acquisition that can be reinvested in Army priorities.

Army Contract Efficiencies (ACE) Course

Equip a cadre of Army soldiers and Civilians with the skills to increase efficiency of the requirements-to-procurement process through development and deployment of the Army Contract Efficiencies Course across the enterprise. Empower graduates with approaches to drive efficiencies across the Army, to improve the timeliness and quality of requirements, and to ensure best practices are applied across the acquisition process.

Enterprise Installation Energy Utilities Procurement

Leverage deregulated energy markets incorporating category management practices into installation energy procurement. Centralize installation energy acquisition in a dedicated office with expertise on energy supply and commodity use and purchase strategies.