Continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Army business processes for improved financial and operational performance and to control the overall costs of business operations.
Post-Production Software Support (PPSS)
Improve and expand the use of hardware property accountability processes and tools for software licenses on fielded weapons systems.
Army Fiscal Data Structure
Improve ASA(FM&C) leaders’ ability to report relevant information to external stakeholders and Army Senior Leaders’ ability to link resourcing decisions to performance outcomes through the development and assessment of alternatives to the current fiscal data structure used within the Army.
PEG Reviews/Deep Dives
Continue Deep Dives as a budgetary review strategy conducted by the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army to examine every service program and continue to reinvest funds from lower priorities toward Army top strategic efforts including readiness, lethality, and innovation.
Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (ReARMM)
Transform the Army into an MDO-capable force ready for competition, crisis, conflict, and change through integration and synchronization of the force to meet regional requirements, while providing predictability during training and modernization efforts.
Army Reform Initiative (ARI)
Advance and refine ARI as a systematic approach to the identification, adjudication, approval, and implementation of reform initiatives that support the intent of reform within the ABMP.
Military Personnel Program Review (M2PR) and Program Update Brief (PUB) Processes
Improve Army manpower programs for all three Army components through continued development, implementation, and improvement of the MP2R and the PUB to understand the scale of savings, personnel hours, and errors occurring within current state and associated cost savings, if applicable, available to reinvest in the M2PR and PUB processes.
Program Operating Memorandum (POM) Requirements to Validation Process
Improve the POM requirements submission-to-validation process through automation and link the data to the M2PR and PUB to reduce workload, improve data accuracy, and enable better decisions. Understand the scale of savings from personnel hours, errors occurring within current state and associated cost savings, if applicable, available to be reinvested in the POM process.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to Clear General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Unmatched Transactions (UMT)
Create and code a UMT RPA to gather auditable supporting documentation, clear UMTs for improved auditability, and discover solutions to systemic business problems.
Prioritization of Contractor Government Space Usage
Systematically free-up government space for government uses and drive significant contractor workforces into on-post Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) business parks to recoup rent/consideration using existing smart and IOT technology. Require contract officials to provide a business case analysis before contractually obligating the government to provide government space to a contractor and receive concurrence from the land holding command.
Food Service Modernization
Improve Soldier readiness through food service modernization that includes improved nutrition, food quality, and access to healthy meal options supported by contract reform and legislative change efforts aimed at increased buying power and contractor accountability.
Defense Health Agency (DHA) Transition
Develop and execute Military Health System (MHS) reforms to effect the transition of administration and management of military hospitals and clinics to DHA without disruption to services provided and ensuring the Army’s ability to execute the National Defense Strategy (NDS).
Facility Consolidation Investment Program (FCIP)
Establish a competitive pool of Defense-wide military construction appropriations to which all military departments would submit facility consolidation projects to reduce square footage and reduce facility costs but within existing installations.